
What’s Eating My Peppers?

In the Summer ’22 issue of Seed & Sow Agriculture Lifestyle Magazine Doc Sorge chimed in on a question we hear frequently during growing season, “What’s eating my peppers?”

“It could be a couple of different things. Rabbits and deer both love munching on pepper plants. To keep the deer out of your garden, try dusting the plants with sulfur dust. That said, the most likely culprit is the tomato hornworm. I have had some pepper over the years almost totally defoliated by them.”

What's eating my peppers? Tomato Hornworms.Hold up… Tomato hornworms eat peppers?

While their favorite snack is a tomato plant, yes these chunky boys will demolish a pepper plant, even eating the fruit. “Worm” is a bit of a misnomer. These guys are actually caterpillars, and cute ones at that. Bright green with a bit of white striping, tomato hornworms grow to about four inches in length and eventually burrow into the soil only to emerge as greyish, brownish moths. Wasps, lady beetles, and green lacewings are natural predators, but the best way to save your garden from tomato hornworms is to not get then in the first place. Keeping your garden free of weeds is a good place to start. If you do see hornworms, plucking them off the plant and relocating them is the only management needed. If you have a infestation, Dipel dust or a B.T. spray should take care of it.

What are some common pests that Love pepper pants and what can  I do to get rid of them?

Besides tomato hornworms, aphids, cutworms, and flea beetles are common pests that love peppers. All of these can be controlled by any number of thinks. I like to use a dust such as Viper or Hi-Yield Garden and Pest dust. Sevin and Malathion spray should also do the trick.

Are you a garden beginner who needs hep with the basics? Or maybe you are a gardener with years of experience who is looking to take it up a notch? Either way, Doc is here to help! Email your gardening questions to rharpercoop@gmail.com and we’ll get you an answer. If you are in the Mena area, swing by and see Doc. He’s always happy to help.


Source: Seed & Sow Agriculture Lifestyle Magazine – Summer 2022
Contributors: Doc Sorge, Ryanne Harper







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