
Spring Pre-Emergent & Over Seeding Your Lawn

pre-emergent and over seeding a yardIn Arkansas, the best time to put down pre-emergent in your yard and overseed your lawn is in the early spring months, usually from March through May. To ensure optimal results, the soil should be at a minimum temperature of 55°F (12.7°C) for pre-emergent applications, as well as for seeding. You may want to wait until the temperature reaches 65°F (18°C) for better results.

The timing of applying pre-emergent and overseeding is important. You should make sure that both processes are completed before summer arrives when temperatures start to rise significantly in Arkansas. If you apply either too early or too late in the season, you may not get the desired results. It is also important to water your lawn regularly after overseeding and pre-emergent applications to ensure that the seeds are well-hydrated.

Your local Farmers Cooperative can provide advice on products for pre-emergent and fertilizers. Butch with the Farmers Cooperative in Springdale recommends Treflan 5G ornamental granular herbicide. This product is a preemergence herbicide. It is for control of certain annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in container-grown ornamentals, landscape ornamentals, nursery stock, ground covers, established flowers, ornamental bulbs, non-bearing fruit and nut trees, and non-bearing vineyards.

If you’re overseeding your yard, check out 5 Star Fescue. 5 Star Fescue Grass Seed Blend has five of the best-rated dwarf turf type fescues. Examples include Crossfire II, Cayenne, and Blade Runner. This blend will allow turfgrass to be deep-rooted and maintain a dark green color. 5 Star has high disease resistance to brown patches of fungus, which can occur in humid and hot areas. Additionally, it is drought tolerant.

Come talk with us, we can help you select the right type of pre-emergent and seed for your lawn. As a result, you can be sure that you’re using the right products that are suited to Arkansas’ climate and soil conditions. With our help, you can have a lush, healthy, weed-free lawn in no time.


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