
Purina RangeLand Protein Tubs For Supplemental Feeding

RangeLand Protein TubsSupplement your fall grass and hay with RangeLand Protein Tubs from Farmers Coop. RangeLand Protein Tubs are a free choice supplement designed for beef cattle on forage diets providing less than 8% protein. The low moisture, cooked molasses products in biodegradable fiber or non-returnable plastic containers will enhance the intake and utilization of available forages while reducing labor for producers.

Features & Benefits

Low moisture cooked molasses product technology
Consistent intake and nutrient delivery that helps eliminate over-consumption

Positive associative effects when fed with low to medium quality forages
Molasses provides readily-available energy to stimulate rumen fermentation that helps the animal extract more energy from the forage, as demonstrated by research showing increased forage intake and utilization

Contains FDA approved animal protein products
Provides high-quality by-pass proteins needed to optimize animal performance

Provides optimum levels of trace minerals at a 1 pound consumption rate
Supports fertility, immune function, and overall health

Biodegradable fiber and plastic container options
Non-returnable containers provide a labor-saving supplement delivery system that helps reduce the biosecurity risks associated with returnable containers

No added salt
Intake is not regulated by salt as in other supplements, which can be unpredictable and more variable

Supplement delivery method that fits a variety of production systems
Convenient supplement delivery system is ideal for small beef producers with other time commitments, as well as large producers who experience time and labor shortages

Availa®4 aides in the improvement of reproductive performance for 1st and 2nd calf cows versus inorganic trace mineral sources

Aids the immune system of stressed cattle by rapidly replacing diminished trace mineral stores

Diamond V®
Better palatability helps maintain consistent feed intake. Better feed digestibility helps make more nutrients available to the animal for absorption, performance, health, and production.

Pick up Purina RangeLand Protein Tubs and all your feed and supplies at one of our 16 Farmers Coop locations in NW Arkansas, The River Valley, and Western Oklahoma.



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