
Purina Sheep Balancer

Purina Sheep Balancer. Generic red and white livestock feed bag.Purina Sheep Balancer is an all-purpose supplement for use in all stages of sheep production. Purina Sheep Balancer can be used to supplement breeding ewes and rams. It is also ideal for use in growing-finishing diets for high genetic potential feeder lambs fed for maximal performance. This non-medicated ration balancer contains 36%-protein. It also offers added calcium and ammonium chloride to help prevent urinary calculi.

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Guaranteed Analysis

Crude Protein MIN 36.00%
Crude Fat MIN 1.00%
Crude Fiber MAX 11.50%


Follow these management practices:

  • Lambs should be adjusted gradually to this product (over a period of 5 to 7 days) to reduce the risk of overeating and other digestive disturbances.
  • This ration can be self-fed to lambs if they are properly adjusted to the ration.
  • Do not allow starved lambs access to this feed.
  • Vaccinate all lambs to prevent enterotoxemia (overeating disease) with both C and D toxoid.
  • Keep a constant supply of complete feed available to lambs. Do not allow fine material to accumulate in feeders.
  • Provide adequate bunk space for each animal. Bunks should be well protected and well managed to prevent feed from becoming wet and moldy.
  • When fed from a self-feeder, adjust feeder to minimize quantity of feed accumulating in the trough.
  • Provide free choice salt at all times.
  • Fresh, clean water should be available at all times.
In groups of lambs there are certain animals who experience chronic bloat, or other digestive disturbances, and consequently, are poor performers. In addition, excess feed consumption, severe weather changes resulting in erratic feed consumption, and poorly managed feeding practices can increase the incidence of bloat in all lambs. If bloating does occur, the above management practices should be reviewed.

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