Pro-Mix LP15 and LP 15 MYCORRHIZAE are available at Farmer’s Co-op locations in Elkins, Decatur, Lincoln, Prairie Grove, and Springdale, Arkansas.
Designed to provide a growing environment that offers good water retention with fibrous peat moss and a low perlite formulation PRO-MIX LP15 offers growers the needed flexibility for multiple purposes. Combined with cutting-edge active ingredients, LP 15 will deliver on your expectations.
- This product answers the needs for short-term crops
- Light-weight, low bulk
- High water-holding capacity
- An economic alternative for basic use
- Improves fertilizer uptake; reduces fertilizer costs
- Increases the resistance of the plant to stresses; reduces maintenance costs
- Optimizes results without changing growing practices
- Increased root mass, flower production, plant size, yield