
Making the Most of Your Herb Garden

herb garden Our resident homesteader is busy actually homesteading, so I thought I’d jump in and offer some tips on something I am actually familiar with – making the most of my herb garden. Spring is here, and summer is soon to follow. Before you know it, we’ll all have more herbs than we know what to do with.  

I love herbs and prefer to use them fresh. But, sometimes, you just don’t need four pounds of basil all at once. Dehydrating is a great way to preserve your herbs so you can enjoy them all year long. 

And, listen, you don’t need a dehydrator to dehydrate your herbs. They can be preserved in an air fryer, an oven, a dehydrator, or, heck, you can hang them from the ceiling like a healer or a kitchen witch. The only difference is time. 

Herb Garden

Dehydrating in an Air Fryer 

Place your clean and patted dry herbs in a single layer in your air fryer basket. 

Put a metal tray on top of them to keep your herbs from flying around. You can also tie them in bundles with twine. 

Air fry at 350 degrees for 3-4 minutes or until the herbs are completely dry – the herb should crumble easily in your hands. 

Let them cool completely before storing them. 

Dehydrating in a Dehydrator 

Clean your herbs and place them in your dehydrator. 

Dehydrate for 1 – 3 hours at 90-100 degrees. 

Dehydrating in the Oven 

Same process as above, but you’re going to want to keep the temperature at 180 or below, and your herbs will need 2 – 4 hours to fully dry.  

Dehydrating in the Air 

I like the idea of letting my herbs dehydrate naturally, but the most important thing here is just leaving them alone for longer than I would be willing to leave them alone. 

I tried it once and almost immediately gave up. Plus, my husband was like, “Why are you hanging sticks all over the place?” Also, he is allergic to everything outside, so it seems cruel to bring the outdoors in. Anyway, I know natural drying can be done, I’ve just never had the patience to do it. 

Make bundles out of your herbs, tie them with twine, and hang them in a place where they won’t be in the way. 

Store your herbs in an airtight container to enjoy all year round! 

Spring herbs are arriving at your local Farmers Co-op this time of year. Stop by and get started on that herb garden!


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