
Heirloom Seed Varieties 

Purple tomatoes, yellow carrots, squashes and pumpkins in a wide array of colors, distinct flavors, funky shapes. These are all signs that you’re eating produce from heirloom seeds. 

What makes an heirloom seed an heirloom? 

Heirloom seeds come from historic plant varieties that have been passed down for generatiHeirloom seed packetsons. To get the heirloom designation, the line has to have been passed down for 50 years without breeding or manipulation. So, alas, my grandmother’s tissue box cover that is now my cousin’s prized possession is not technically an heirloom…yet. Some of these seeds, however, date back to Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello. 

How are heirloom varieties farmed? 

The seeds are typically air pollinated, meaning by bird, bug, or other animals. Because of the way they are farmed and their penchant for being resistant to local weather, most heirloom crops are grown on small farms and home growers. 

The importance of heirloom varieties. 

Heirloom varieties are often significant to a particular culture, with seeds and recipes passed down from one generation to the next. Heirloom seeds can be sourced from your local farmers’ market – if you like a farmer’s peppers or tomatoes, ask them for some seeds – or you can order heirloom seeds from reputable sites like Truelove Seeds and Seed Savers Exchange.  

By Ryann Harper


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