
Pick Up Greeley Hats At Farmers Co-op in Decatur

Greeley hatsGreeley Hats are here! Greeley Hat Company, handmade hats are now available at Farmers Coop in Decatur, Arkansas.  If you don’t know about Greeley Hats, listen up. Greeley Hats have been handmade for over a century in Greeley Colorado. They make just about any kind of hat you can imagine, from traditional working cowboys’ hats to fashion-forward cutting edge hats. All built one at a time, by hand.

At Farmers Coop in Decatur, Arkansas, we stock about 40 different Greeley Hats from European hare all the way up to pure beaver and everything in-between. Pick out a hat from our stock of over 40 hats and we’ll shape it to fit your head just right. Or if you prefer a custom-made hat, our on-site hatter can take your measurement and place your custom order with Greeley Hat Works right here in the store.

When you pick up a hat built by Greeley Hat Works, you can feel the difference. It isn’t made on an assembly line with a “one-size-fits-all mentality”. It’s built by hand with elbow grease of a skilled hatter using tools and techniques and sorcery that have been around since the 1800’s.

Stop by Farmers Coop in Decatur, Arkansas for your hand-made Greeley Hat. We’re looking forward to serving you.


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