
Grasshopper Control Options

Grasshopper eating a leaf | Grasshopper control optionsGrasshoppers can cause serious damage to crops and fields if left untreated. In addition to consuming the vegetation, they also excrete feces on leaves and stems which can spread various diseases. Furthermore, large swarms of grasshoppers often produce a loud buzzing sound that can be quite disruptive to local ecosystems.

Without intervention, grasshoppers can consume entire fields of vegetation and cause complete crop failure. Such losses can potentially put a farmer’s livelihood in jeopardy and can have significant economic impacts on the local community.

Here are some options you can find at your local Farmers Cooperative to help with grasshopper control.

Pretty much any Pyrethroid Insecticide will control them (most are restricted use), but they can and will migrate back into pastures from surrounding fields.  Therefore, it’s important to also address the grasshopper population in adjacent fields as well.

When used correctly, Dimilin has been proven to be an effective solution for controlling grasshopper populations. The insecticide works by targeting the molting process of immature grasshoppers in their second and fourth stages of growth. This prevents them from shedding their skin as they grow, ultimately ending their development cycle before they are able to cause damage to crops.

In addition, Dimilin is specifically designed to target insects only, making it safe for stock animals that are present at the time of application. This makes it an ideal solution for controlling grasshoppers in a variety of different areas, including range, pasture, and non-crop areas. When used correctly and according to the manufacturer’s instructions, Dimilin can help reduce grasshopper populations in a safe and effective manner.

It is important to note that Dimilin should only be applied when grasshoppers are in their second or fourth stages of nymphs, as it will not be effective for controlling adults. Additionally, no more than two ounces of Dimilin should be used per acre and there must be 45 days between applications before crops can be harvested safely. Taking these precautions will help ensure successful results when using Dimilin to control grasshopper populations.

Also, Vantacor is the new name for Prevathon provides extended control for armyworms and grasshoppers.  It can be alternated with Dimilin for better control of grasshoppers. Vantacor comes in a convenient, ready-to-use liquid formulation and is easily applied using ground or aerial equipment. When applying Vantacor, make sure to use the recommended rate per acre and follow all safety instructions on the label, including any restrictions on crop harvest. Low use rate of 0.7 oz to 1.2 oz per acre so it goes a long way.

A good resource for grasshopper management in rangeland, pastures and crops is this article from the Oklahoma State University extension office. You can reference it here.


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