
Food Plot Seed Blends At Farmers Coop

food plot seedPick up your spring food plot seed blends at Farmers Coop in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We carry food plot seed blends from Eagle Seed and Imperial Whitetail. Choose from four different blends, specially formulated for this area of the country.

Large Lad RRTM, by Eagle Seed, is our most popular food plot variety and is known for  its excellent seed yield and tonnage production. Similar to Big Fellow, Large Lad plants can reach heights up to 84 inches and provide excellent forage for deer and cattle.

Big Fellow RRTM, by Eagle Seed, is an extremely tall, very large leafed Roundup Ready forage variety. It has been tested in numerous university trials and is an outstanding high protein, high tonnage producer. Big Fellow is also known for its drought tolerance and indeterminant growth habit which makes it truly rare. It can keep growing through heavy browsing by cattle or deer.

Game Keeper RRTM by Eagle Seed, is the most popular food plot blend for lower mid-west and southern customers since it provides the longest growing season. This special blend contains Big Fellow, Large Lad, and the World’s First and only Roundup Ready Climbing soybean, Whitetail Thicket RRTM. Whitetail Thicket RRTM is known for its amazing branching, vines up to 10 feet in length, and the long-green season it provides. Whitetail Thicket RRTM is an indeterminant group 8+ soybean with amazing drought tolerance and the ability to handle less than ideal soils.

Imperial Whitetail PowerPlant is a blend of specially selected annuals that’s specifically designed to provide deer with lots of protein during the spring and summer. PowerPlant can withstand grazing better than other bean and pea plantings. In fact, once PowerPlant establishes, it can even continue to grow as deer feed on it. At the heart of PowerPlant are vining forage soybean and peas that don’t get stemmy like agricultural soybeans can. PowerPlant also includes Sunn Hemp and small amounts of sunflowers to act as a lattice for the vining legumes to climb and maximize production instead of growing along the ground.



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