
Fish Truck Delivery

Dunn's Fish FarmDunn’s Fish Farm fish truck will deliver to Farmer Coop in Sallisaw on Friday, June 17,  2016 from 7 to 8:00 am.

Looking for pond stocking in the River Valley? We’ve got Dunn’s Fish Farm delivering to Farmers Coop in Sallisaw on Friday, June 17, 2016.  It’s a great time to get your ponds stocked and ready for summer!

Friday, June 17th – Dunn’s Fish Farm

Farmers Coop in Sallisaw –  7:00 to 8:00 a.m.  2504 W Cherokee Ave, Sallisaw, OK 74955, (918) 775-5519

The Dunn’s Fish Truck will have channel cat, large mouth bass, black crappie, hybrid bluegill, redear (shellcracker), black crappie, grass carp, koi and fathead minnows.  Find out what type and size fish we offer on our website.   The Dunn’ Fish Farm  truck provides containers for all fish but the 11″ channel cats, so please bring your own containers for them.

It is not necessary to pre-order the fish, but if you are looking for a large quantity or pond packages we suggest you call.  Questions?  Call Dunn’s Fish Farm at 800-433-2950.


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