
Pick up Ferti-lome & Hi Yield Garden Products at the Co-op

fertilome-hi-yieldWe all know that spring is right around the corner bringing with it warmer temperatures and lots of planting in your garden and flower beds. Farmer’s Co-op is ready to help you get your lawn and garden going with soils and soil amendments, herbicides, fungicides, plant food, and pest control products from Ferti-lome and Hi Yield.

Late February to mid-March is time to put our your first application of pre-emergent herbicide for the control of crabgrass. Get your lawn and garden ready for the warm season by building a good root structure, particularly for your lawn. Maintaining a dense, vigorous lawn is key to preventing lawn weeds.  The University of Arkansas Agriculture Extension Service has put together a schedule for the application of fertilizers and pre-emergents for our area of the state.  Click here to read what they have to say, then come see us for all your pre-emergents, fertilizers, and amendments.

Not sure what to apply and when? No problem! Stop by one of our Farmers Coop locations and let our educated experts make recommendations for your particular situation.

Visit us today at Farmers Coop for all of your lawn and garden needs— we keep a large inventory of gardening must-haves including gardening tools, containers, soils and soil amendments, mulch, herbicides, fungicides, and pest controllers.  We also have protective gloves, hats, and muck boots, too!



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