Chick Days Mena
Chick Day is coming to Farmers Coop in Mena! Heartland Hatchery will be on site with 25 varieties of chicks, and ducklings, available for purchase including exotic rare breeds, bantams, layer pullet chicks, flyers, ducklings, heritage turkeys and guineas. For a list of breeds and pricing available through Heartland Hatchery Chick Day click here.
Here is what we are expecting:
Brown Egg Layers, Pullets
Rare Breed & Bantams, Straight Runs
Lavender Orpingtons & Black Copper Marans, Straight Runs
Cream Legbar, Pullets
Saphire Gems, Pullets
Dual-purpose heavy breeders, Straight Runs
Fryer Roosters
Silkies, Straight Run
Olive Eggers, Pullets
Welsummer, Pullets
Heritage Turkeys, Straight Runs
Goslings & Ducklings, Straight Runs
Female & Rare Breed Ducklings
Started Guinea Keets, Straight Runs
Pre-orders are available 2 days prior to delivery by calling the hatchery at 660-424-0408 or 660-464-1480. Payment terms are CASH ONLY and please bring your own box for transport.