Archive for the ‘articles’ Category
Cattle Feed Supplements: Enhance Reproduction and Profits by Maintaining Body Condition
During the winter months, it’s easy to find reasons to skip your cattle feed supplements. After all, trudging across fields...
Great Backyard Bird Count
The Great Backyard Bird Count 2020 kicks off February 14-17, 2020, and is one birding activity that can be done...
Winter Forage For Cattle
It’s winter, and you’re likely doing one of two things with your cattle: feeding stored forages or grazing dormant forages....
10 Cow-Calf Winter Preparation Tips
Now is the perfect time for beef producers to make management decisions that will affect the health, productivity and profitability...
A Guide to Pet Halloween Safety
Halloween is a fun day for families, but it can be a stressful or even dangerous day for pets. In...
Purina RangeLand Protein Tubs For Supplemental Feeding
Supplement your fall grass and hay with RangeLand Protein Tubs from Farmers Coop. RangeLand Protein Tubs are a free choice...
Chaffhaye Alfalfa Pasture In A Bag
Chaffhaye Alfalfa Pasture In A Bag is now available at select Farmers Coop locations. Chaffhaye is premium bagged, Non-GMO Alfalfa sold...
Seasonal Diet Changes for Horses
Changing seasons can bring about potential problems for horses and horse owners. Pasture quality fluctuates with every season, but the...
Riverstone 16% Layer Pellet with CitriStim At Farmers Coop
Introducing our own Riverstone 16% Layer Pellet with CitriStim, custom made for Farmers Coop. Riverstone 16% Layer Pellet is a...
2019-2020 Arkansas Hunting Season
The 2019-2020 Arkansas Hunting Season dates are set. The season dates and bag limits are subject to change at any...