Archive for the ‘Chicks’ Category
Preparing A Space for Backyard Chicks
Preparing A Space for Backyard Chicks Raising chickens is a great experience for the whole family. One of the primary...
Winter Care for Chickens
Winter is here and it is important to know how changes in the weather can influence the way that you...
Chick Days with Heartland Hatchery
Chick Days are coming to Farmers Coop! Heartland Hatchery will be on site with 30 varieties of chicks, ducklings, guinea,...
Ways Keep Your Chickens Cool In Summer
Keep your backyard flock cool, calm & comfortable this summer with these great tips from Purina Mills. Summer is a time...
How To Switch To Layer Feed
Switch laying hens to a complete chicken layer feed when chickens start laying eggs around 18 weeks of age. Choose...
Fall Chick Tip: Transitioning Your Flock to Fall
Autumn is upon us and it’s time to say hello to fresh air and say goodbye to stifling hot temperatures!...
Three Tips To Help Molting Chickens
It’s autumn. Time for comfy sweaters, pumpkin-flavored everything and… vacation? For backyard chickens across the country, shorter days often signal...
Backyard Flock Webinar – Register Today
Join us for a Backyard Flock Webinar! Interested in backyard chickens but unsure where to start? Have a coop but...
Raising 2 to 3 Week Old Chicks
Raising 2 to 3 Week Old Chicks With a clean brooder, fresh feed and clean water, your chicks are settled...
Riverstone 16% Layer Pellet with CitriStim At Farmers Coop
Introducing our own Riverstone 16% Layer Pellet with CitriStim, custom made for Farmers Coop. Riverstone 16% Layer Pellet is a...