
Brush Spotlight: Buckbrush


Is Buckbrush taking over your land or pasture? Farmers Coop can help! We recommend Chapparrell for the control of Buckbrush.

BuckbrushSymphoricarpos orbiculatus

Life Cycle: Perennial

Plant Description: a Perennial shrub that usually reaches 2 to 3 feet high. Reproduction is through rhizomes and seeds. Flowering occurs during July and August. Leaves are opposite; blades simple, elliptic to egg-shaped or suborbicular. Flowers are greenish-white to purple.

Recommendation: 3.3 oz/A Chaparral  herbicide or 3 oz/A Chaparral + 1 lb/A 2,4D

When to Apply: April – May

Application Timing: When buck brush has 6-8′ of new growth in the spring, usually in April or May.

Pick up Chaparral herbicide at your local Farmers Coop. We’ve got 18 stores in Eastern Oklahoma, the River Valley and Northwest Arkansas.



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