
2021 Purina Cattle Mineral Savings

 SAVE on Purina Cattle Mineral in February, March, and April 2021, at Farmers Coop during our 2021 Purina Cattle Mineral Savings Event.SAVE on Purina Cattle Mineral in February, March, and April 2021, at Farmers Coop during our 2021 Purina Cattle Mineral Savings Event.


  • $1 off  Purina Wind & Rain or Rangeland Pro Bagged Minerals
  • $2 off Purina Wind & Rain or Rangeland Pro Minerals with Altosid or Availa®4


Now is the time to map out your fly control program and cattle mineral can help. It’s no secret the horn fly is a nuisance. Not only do they bite your cattle, but they can also take a big bite off profits. Horn flies normally begin showing up in spring when average daily temperatures reach 65º F for a period of two weeks.  They remain a nuisance until cool weather in late fall or early winter.  At Farmers Coop, we stock  Purina’s Wind & Rain Fly Control Minerals and Purina Rangeland Cattle Minerals to help with fly control. Both minerals work best if they are fed in spring prior to the appearance of flies and continued until cold weather restricts fly activity in late fall.

Use the NEW Purina calculator to see the impact flies have on your herd’s health and performance by clicking here.

Kill those flies before they suck up your profits! Stop by Farmers Coop for your Wind & Rain Fly Control Minerals today! We’ve got 18 locations in Oklahoma, The River Valley, and NW Arkansas.

Source:  Purina Mills

Promotional price valid February 1, 2021, through April 30, 2021, at Farmer’s Cooperative in the River Valley, NW Arkansas, and Eastern Oklahoma.  


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