
2020-2021 Arkansas Hunting Season

2020-2021 Arkansas Hunting SeasonThe 2020-2021 Arkansas Hunting Season dates are set. The season dates and bag limits are subject to change at any time based on harvest results.  For more information on the 2020-2021 Arkansas hunting season, regulations or licensing, click here. For a printable list, click here.


  • Archery – Statewide: Sept. 26-Feb. 28
  • Muzzleloader – Deer zones 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11: Oct. 17-25 and Dec. 12-14 Deer zones 4A, 5A, 14 and 15: Oct. 17-25 and Dec. 19-21 Deer zones 9, 12, 13, 16, 16A and 17: Oct. 17-25 Deer zones 4 and 5: closed
  • Modern Gun  -Deer zones 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11: Nov. 14-Dec. 6 Deer zones 4 and 5: Nov. 14-22 Deer zones 4A, 5A, 14 and 15: Nov. 14-Dec. 13 Deer zones 9, 12 and 13: Nov. 14-Dec. 20 Deer zones 16, 16A and 17: Nov. 14-Dec. 25
    • Christmas holiday modern gun deer hunt Statewide (excluding WMAs that are closed during modern gun deer season): Dec. 26-28
    • Special modern gun youth deer hunt All zones (excludes certain WMAs where a modern gun or muzzleloader permit is required to hunt): Nov. 7-8 and Jan. 2-3
    • Private land antlerless-only modern gun deer hunt Deer zones statewide: Dec. 29-31


  • Archery – Bear zones 1 and 2: Sept. 26-Nov. 30 Bear zones 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6 and 7: closed
  • Muzzleloader – Bear zones 1 and 2: Oct. 17-25 Bear zones 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6 and 7: closed
  • Modern Gun  – 1Bear zones 1 and 2: Nov. 14-30 (Zone 1 closes earlier if quota is
    reached), Bear zone 5: Nov. 21-29 (closes earlier if quota is reached): Bear zone 5A: Nov. 21-Dec. 6 (closes earlier if quota is reached): Bear zones 3, 4, 6 and 7: closed
    Special modern gun youth bear hunt – Bear zones 1 and 2 (does not include WMAs requiring a deer permit to harvest a bear): Nov. 7-8
    Bear zones 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6 and 7: closed


  • Core Elk Management Zone (all private and public lands within Boone, Carroll, Madison, Newton and Searcy counties)
  • Public Land Elk zones 1, 2, 3, and 4: Oct. 5-9 and Oct. 26-30 (Permit required)
  • Youth Hunts: Oct. 3-4 and Oct. 24-25 (Permit required)
  • Private Land Private Land Core Elk Zone (Boone, Carroll, Madison, Newton and Searcy counties; excludes Boxley Valley): Oct. 5-9 and Oct. 26-30 (Permit required)
  • Youth Hunt: Oct. 3-4 and Oct. 24-25 (Permit required) Elk found outside of the Core Elk Management Zone may be taken during deer season with weapon legal for that season. 

Quail – Statewide: Nov. 1-Feb. 7

Rabbit – Statewide: Sept. 1-Feb. 28

Squirrel – Statewide: May 15-Feb. 28

Crow – Statewide: Sept. 1-Feb. 21. (Thursday-Monday hunting only)


  • Furbearer trapping (other than coyote, beaver, nutria):
    sunrise, Nov. 14-sunset, Feb. 28
  • Coyote trapping: sunrise, Aug. 1-sunset, March 31
  • Beaver, nutria trapping: sunrise, Nov. 14-sunset, March 31
  • Gray fox, mink, muskrat, red fox hunting:
    sunrise, Sept.1-sunset, Feb. 28
  • Raccoon, opossum, striped skunk day or night hunting:
    Jan. 1-Dec. 31
  • Bobcat hunting: sunrise, Sept. 1- sunset, Feb. 28 and during turkey
  • Coyote day hunting: Jan. 1- Dec. 31
  • River otter hunting: sunrise, Nov. 14-sunset, Feb. 28
  • Nutria, beaver hunting: sunrise, Sept. 1-sunset, March 31
  • Badger, spotted skunk and weasel hunting: closed


Buy a License
Toll-free 800-364-4263 (Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) www.agfc.com or use the AGFC mobile app


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